because there are i though the song i requested wont sing by kelvin..make me disappointed jiek...but end up, kelvin solo it wv keyboard..wohooo...really nice..thx again..
i stil rmb, i request for tat song in Little Tree Cafe dunno when ago..request Kelvin to sing tat song..but at tat time, he said he dunno how to sing tat song..n i juz kidding :"ok u go learn,next time i request it again.."..n i was really juz kidding..haha^^ after tat..i din really rmb this incident..i mean, i din forget it..but din make it a very strong memory in my mind.....and, the supprising part is....
one nite, v all lied on bed..getting to slip..kei show a msg...:"help me tel fen, i had learned tat song..its a nice one.will sing for her, if there is chance^^".....haha...arigato kelvin...
i sent him a msg to say thx..i told him tat i juz 随便说说 tat nite..n i wil definitely rmb his reply..:"在音乐里,没有'随便'这两个字哦。。我可是都很认真看待的..".....
thx for ur 认真看待。。哈哈。让我感触一下。。
罢了,一厢情愿的无奈,就是因为你懂,一切,都是心甘情愿的。。怨谁?哈哈 :p
last nite at Feeling really high n shiok..dere are four singer last last nite is Eve of National day..
their instrument is keyboard played by Kelvin..he can play the ordinary piano rhyme, and also drum rhyme..tats y,we are so high, wv the rock and hot music...hehe^^
at the 1st half of the nite, is more on soft love song..v enjoy it alot..and after they rest n come bck..thgs had change..hehe..we sing NEGARAKU at 12am..all raise and sing 2gether..den after negaraku, dey sang IT'S MY LIFE, UMBRELLA, 为了你而活 and some others i had forgotten the name..wohooo~~its really hot!! raised up our mood, sang 2gether, enjoy the nite~~ here are some pic...
Feeling Cafe, wangsa maju section2
my cappucino^^
the dragonica 'ORz' party..discussing the new skill after job upgrade.
from left : jiayee, ah wei, edward, me^^
c har,v are really serious looking at laptop mia har..c the next pic..
c wat this 2 weirdo dere any laptop screen to look at??
the answer is no..they juz..haha..pretending..haha..wv an un-plug mouse of mine..haha^^
wats kei holding?
this!!..haha..ppl hold glass u hold hamik?haha
the photographer ah wei,holding kelvin's camera..gonna get the nicer n clearer pic frm him.
"sexi wor ur post...haha”
its 12am.." Negaraku~~~"all raised..haha..patriotic??u guess..:p
"negaraku~bla bla bla.."long time din sing liao..since graduated frm secondary sch.. :p
hor..looks like 偷情..haha..edward n kei.
frm left : kei, jv, fen, edward, dailou
frm left : kei, jv, fen, kelvin
the 2legs : left-dailou, right-edward
the singers
nice songs came from them..some memorable and impressed >
外套 frm the white shirt guy, 可不可以爱你 and 原来我最爱的人是你不是他 frm kelvin,
爱上你等于爱上寂寞 frm Catherine..
nice nice nice!
bck frm feeling, its 2am..
due to its National day, so Dragonica offer Double Exp and 10x monster n wei dun wanna waste the best chance to up level..but i m javy-the multi tasker..controlling mine n her's character..
but act is only ah wei killing monster..and we juz party up, and earning sharing free exp wv ah wei..arigatooo~
Feeling Cafe is great..dragonica is shiok..the OR'z party is YENG! wakaka^^
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