juz watch finish TVB drama 『女人最痛』(Beauty Know No Pain) episod 17 with kei n javy...
in this episod, Noble n Jackie is competing for the position of Asia Pacific CEO...
and bcz of this postion, Jackie refuse to pregnant and was secretly taking birth control...guess there will be problem and arguement occur between Jackie n Nick...
and while watching this part, we 3gals are discussing about it..
"what will be your choice ladies??"
career, family?
is hard, especially the position of Asia Pacific CEO....fuh...its so so tempting! working so hard for so many years, and this is the most desirable position hur...
both me n kei said, "zhong sang hang fuk" is more important..hahaha...its true, work so hard to the top position, but back home no ppl so lonely, worth?hahahaha....
career wont be with you forever, but family will =]
so, i will not get married before i feel tat i can settle down stop climbing up for career, to be fair everyone, dnt "loi yan loi mat" (hopefully) hahahaha!
it will be perfect if both of them can be balance.
but, nothing is balance in this world.
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