9月22日 星期三 00:02
特區政府 推說國際公約沒有共識,只有3類鯊魚被列入瀕危絕種,其實應有百多類,只是有些國家因各自利益提出反對,漠視實況,我只有向大家申訴,請你們幫忙。
請你們從今天起謝絕魚翅,並且要求特首在今年10月發表的《施政報告》承諾﹕「在未有充分證據證明捕鯊魚業對生態的影響符合可持續發展的原則前,特區政府會暫停在政府宴會上食用魚翅」。此外,綠色團體已為你們印刷 了明信片,可到http://bit.ly/CePaSharkFinPostcardDistPt所列地點索取,寄給環境局局長要求他作出同樣承諾。
If I were a shark
Sharks have always been portrayed as vicious villains. Ever since the movie JAWS, the image of shark is associated with a triangle sticking out of the water moving with malicious intent towards unsuspecting frolicking children. The next scene turns to bloody waters, mutilated limbs and screaming swimmers against the most frightening background music.
If I were a shark, and able to speak, let me plead my case.
I have been grossly misunderstood. Even Peter Benchley, the author of JAWS, has since repented and taken up my cause. It is estimated that each year only 12 people are killed by sharks world wide, far less than 75 people who choke to death on their toasts. Although we are large in size and are not the handsomest of creatures, we are really quite gentle. Many underwater divers will be able to recount their wonderful experience of swimming next to us, perfectly safely.
We have been around for some 400 million years, but because Chinese people regard shark’s fin soup as a delicacy and a status symbol, many of our species are being hunted to near extinction.
Generally we only reproduce after 30 years and our offsprings are limited in number. According to estimates, some 70 millions sharks are killed every year, at a pace far greater than our reproduction rate.
The SAR government hides behind CITIES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) and say only 3 of our species are protected. In fact over 100 of our kind are threatened but due to self interests, some nations ignore reality and no agreement can be reached. So I appeal to you for help.
Shark finning is cruel but profitable. Please visit http://www.saynotosharkfinsoup.com to see how it is done. They cut off all our fins and our tails and throw our mutilated body back into the ocean. Alive but unable to swim, we sink to the bottom dying a slow and painful death. When you are served sharks fin soup, do you realize how we have suffered?
Even if you can’t hear our cries, please heed the advice of the experts. They caution that our fins contain mercury and is not good for your health. Further, as apex predators, our extinction will disrupt the marine eco system.
Starting today, please say ‘no’ to sharks fin soup.Next month, the Chief Executive will be delivering his policy address. Please ask him to include this line in his address “ Until there is convincing evidence proving the impact of shark fisheries to be compatible with the principles of sustainable development, the HKSAR government will halt the consumption of shark fin soup at all official banquets.” Some green groups have also printed no sharks fin postcards addressed to the Secretary for the Environment. Please collect them at the following addresses http://bit.ly/CePaSharkFinPostcardDistPt and help to spread the message.
Don’t let the government use your hard earned cash for sharks fin banquets.
A small step from you today will go a long way in helping to promote sustainable marine ecology. Please ACT NOW.
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