my hostel keys added in a new member this week,
deng deng~~~!!
please welcome the new member => silver foot print bottle opener ♥♥
i love the overall colors of my key chains
white color security touch card ( i cant enter my hostel without it =[ )
white color Mickey's hand ( ♥ this, 2008 X'mas present from churchmate Alissa)
silver keys of 3
and lastly,
silver foot print bottle opener♥♥
was looking for a bottle opener key chain for a long time, but cant find a nice one..
and last week, thursday, me n javy darling was at KLCC, waiting the time to reach for us to board Aeroline, going back Penang.
and we were walking here and dere, entered Isetan..
and shop around at stationery section as i m looking for some notebook or diary..
and Javy saw this, its cheap! only 2bucks for this lovely little guy =]
and i bought the silver one, javy bought the gold, and we bought one for kei with her lovely red =]
love them so much~~~~
bed time,
bonne nuit ~~
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