hehe..we had been looking forward to our BBQ nite before holiday start...and finally..it fall at wednesday nite-23th sept...at Paradise beach...the most familiar beach to us...we always went dere during diploma...because our college is so near to the beach..haha...
we had 10ppl including me join the bbq---me, javy, kei, milk, dai lou, foo seong, hong, max, professor, hin chi (our diploma fren)...all of us are from Penang Branch except Max...i m nt sure izzit the 1st time he step on this beach...but we love it^^
before bbq, me, milk, kei, javy went Gurney for movie..at 1st wanna watch 'Where got Ghost' mia..manatau..full seated...zzzzzzzzz.......sien..mou kai la, watch final destination la..me n javy scare of bloody movie de wor...we 2 keep talk to each other n eat tibits..haha^^dare not to look at the screen pun..yish..
we meet them at beach around 7.45pm..aiya...rainning la...rain for the whole day d..sien la...but stil insist to go on wv the bbq..boh chap the rain la...haha^^
milk n hong this two previous scout help us to make up the fire..arigato ya~~
the rain become heavier and we move the pit under the huge unbrella which belongs to the water sport..
all are wet~~
the rain stop when v bck frm 7-11..haha..so lucky~~:p
the strong wind blew away our junk food..n the shape it fall on the beach..they said looks like 北斗七星..^^
they playing "pepsi cola"..our childhood game..haha..so enjoy....milk is very good in jumping...haha..yao yeng wor...she almost manage to survive til the few last person...haha~i din play as i taking pic..
they made this "gal" wv sand..wv huge BOOB!!..guan lai all those guy de taste so HEAVY de..
its MAX..urhhhh~~
its a great nite..very happy..enjoyable..but its abit emo when we sat down at the beach..facing the dark sea...the dark sky...haiz...many thgs came into our mind....dnt think too much lo frens...dnt think too much lo fen...hehe^^
happy to be wv u all~~
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