having a bad mood juznw..express it by smashing my pencil case to the wall~~~and take a nap for 2hrs frm 12am to 2am wv another 2gals...now i m awake..wv not really good mood...but i m not goin to smash my pencil case again..
having nightmare for the short-short 2hrs nap..kns...make my brain cant fully rest..
in the dream..i m driving in a weird village...abit like...villages in Dragonica..haha..looks great..but dunno y..i turn my car into a very dark~very dark small road..trees all around the road side..no lamp post..no building..juz tree..in dark..
den i like wearing earphone..dunno who is talking wv me..but its a guy..i m fetching some one in car..sitting at the back sit..bt i dunno who is it..is some one..ermm..i m not really familiar wv..cz i din talk wv the person..when i m scare but i din talk wv him/her..means, i m really not familiar with u..^^
i m driving driving driving..and there is no way out..it juz go deeper and deeper...deeper n deeper...the road is darker~darker~darker...i m very scare and the feeling of helpless and dread seems like swallowing me in..
i couldn't find any way out of the endless and darkness road..and the person talking wv me via the earphone telling me tat :" fen, this is a terrible road..many cases happened here..it is famous wv it horror and haunted story..u GOT TO find a way out..if not, u wil be very dangerous and make urself in big trouble!"
find a way out??~how~~there is no junction..how could i find the way out??...
"fen, stop finding any junction,dere wnt be any in this road , it wil juz lead to the dead end and it might be a cliff."
"den wat shud i do??"
"stop ur car, light up signal, U-turn, and juz escape.tat is the only way!"
i juz follow wat the person said..u-turn and...RUN...err...i mean the car..haha
luckly, i manage to escape frm the darkness road before it swallow me..
i saw the Dragonica-like village again..its so beautiful and peaceful..and i heard my phone rang...oh o...its time to wake up for study...n i m awake..
the dream..ermm..i din saw any monster or ghost..but the feeling of helpless and dread is much more terrible than facing a monster face to face...er..the feeling is..yucks!! i hate it...
the nightmare ruin my sweet nap...but it seems like trying to tel me smth...
if there is no junction infront, the only way is--turn back..and go away..
a quote come into me, which its frm HK drama “珠光宝气”,the conversation of Sylvia and Calvin..in the last episode..
“乜你觉得,以家停落嚟,仲可以返转头咩?” calvin said.
“可能,已经太迟,返唔到转头。但系,我仲有机会选择,停落嚟,嗯再行落去。” Sylvia replied.
i think these is the most impressed quote frm the drama to me..^^
alright, gotta study...one more days to go, final exam!
gambateh my frens..study study..
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